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I grew up in Budapest, Hungary. American music was a rare, rare thing to me back then. My parents owned maybe 5 records, yet I still think ours was a musical family. My mother loved singing Russian folk and national songs to us. I admired her strong, clear voice and just the sheer number of songs she knew. My family moved to Ithaca in 1985. I bought my first instrument at 25, my second at 33. I play bass in The Witching. It is the first time I can share with others the beats and melodies I've been hearing in my head.

The Third-Row
When I go to a concert, I like to be way up close to the performer. To watch the performer uninhibitedly, and to surrender to complete voyeurism is the most exciting part of a live concert for me. This is the "third-row" experience... The first time I discovered it, was during a play ("The Inspector General" by Gogol). I had tickets for the third row.

What row do you like to take?

Music I would bring on the next long ride:
Jimi Hendrix Live in the Oakland Colisseum 1969
Led Zeppelin "Physical Graffiti"
Pixies (Live)
PereUbu "Terminal Tower - An Archival Collection"
Johnny Dowd "Wrong Side Memphis"
Marta Sebestyen (Hungarian folk singer)
James Brown "Soul Proud - The Instrumentals"
Fela Kuti and the Africa '70 (Live)
Nine Inch Nails "Downward Spiral"

upcoming shows

March 26, 2005:: @ The Chapter House, Ithaca, NY with Kievan-Rus & Lotion. (showtime 9pm, $5 cover, special guest star, Mr. Willie B, on drums!! Barb will be back behind the skins in June.)
Our new live CD is ready and will be available at the show!! Thanks to the magic of Al Grunwell (engineer) at Fingerlakes Recording, www.FLREC.com, we are ready to release a volume that spans the entire history of The Witching.

past gigs...
site by live mind design